Infusion Confusion

Life with diabetes.



It took me nearly 20 years to really understand the title of that movie...I was always confused as a kid because he was going into the past, and I guess I never spent much time thinking about it after the age of 10. Anyways, what does that have to do with this blog? I'm not quite sure, but it fits in my mind, so I guess that's what matters.

Details: 28 yrs old, married for four of those, stricken with diabetes for 15 of those, and on the pump for about 7 years. And for the very first time in my life, I will be a father later this year. I've been pretty lazy when it comes to my diabetes...selfish, really. I haven't kept close tabs on my sugars, my health, etc etc.

I'm turning a corner though...

I got upgraded to the Minimed 722 (no sensors yet though), and this thing is amazing. It has me checking my sugars 8x/day, a number unheard of before. I'm actually excited about keeping my sugars in tight control, AND I'm excited about working out/exercising...amazing. I just don't want to be footless (or dead) when my kid is 10, or 20, or 30 for that matter. God's doing a number on me...

You know, after reading a few of the other diabetes blogs out there, I decided to start this one. After starting though, I felt like I was just reiterating what others have already been talking about...OH YEAH, we're all going through the same thing...THAT'S WHY. So at the cost of sounding like a broken record, here is Infusion Confusion.
