Infusion Confusion

Life with diabetes.



It took me nearly 20 years to really understand the title of that movie...I was always confused as a kid because he was going into the past, and I guess I never spent much time thinking about it after the age of 10. Anyways, what does that have to do with this blog? I'm not quite sure, but it fits in my mind, so I guess that's what matters.

Details: 28 yrs old, married for four of those, stricken with diabetes for 15 of those, and on the pump for about 7 years. And for the very first time in my life, I will be a father later this year. I've been pretty lazy when it comes to my diabetes...selfish, really. I haven't kept close tabs on my sugars, my health, etc etc.

I'm turning a corner though...

I got upgraded to the Minimed 722 (no sensors yet though), and this thing is amazing. It has me checking my sugars 8x/day, a number unheard of before. I'm actually excited about keeping my sugars in tight control, AND I'm excited about working out/exercising...amazing. I just don't want to be footless (or dead) when my kid is 10, or 20, or 30 for that matter. God's doing a number on me...

You know, after reading a few of the other diabetes blogs out there, I decided to start this one. After starting though, I felt like I was just reiterating what others have already been talking about...OH YEAH, we're all going through the same thing...THAT'S WHY. So at the cost of sounding like a broken record, here is Infusion Confusion.



Blogger Caro said...

Hi Matt, and welcome to the blogosphere!

Are you planning to get sensors to use with your 722? It will be interesting to hear how that goes.

I look forward to reading more of your blog.

If you feel like visiting, I'm at

6/5/06 5:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Matt,

welcome! I'm from the UK, so we're not so pump advanced but anyways I try to understand all the high tech talk that goes on here.

B4 i got a pump i'd rarely look after myself, hardly tested, like you I test 8x + now per day and always at 2am!!!!

see you

6/5/06 10:51 AM  
Blogger Allison said...

Hey Matt! Welcome to the Club. Glad you joined us. I'm glad to hear that you are becoming more involved in your health. That's awesome!

Oh, and congrats on the new addition to the family. So exciting! Everybody's having babies in the O.C.! I love it!

Bye for now. :-)

6/5/06 1:19 PM  
Blogger Matt said...

caro, i'm definitely going to get the sensors, even if it is going to cost $1000 initially...can't put a price tag on contstant control. I visited your site earlier...glad you enjoyed the States...SF is beautiful.

pumping princess and allison, thanks for the support.

8/5/06 7:51 AM  
Blogger Kerri. said...

Hi Matt. I've just come across your blog and I'm happy to see another voice added to the blogosphere! Welcome to it and I'll be adding your blog to my links today.

Congratulations on the upcoming addition to your family and for turning a corner with your diabetes management. There's something about all these blogs that really makes you feel supported.

And lastly, Back to the Future is an awesome movie and makes me check every clock tower on every generic Main Street USA for a Delorian racing towards it with a big hook on the top.

-- Kerri

8/5/06 10:21 AM  
Blogger Kassie said...

Hey Matt, welcome!

Yeah, we tell the same stories... sort of. But we add our own spin, we need to tell them and we need to hear them, so keep them coming!

Congrats on the leap into fatherhood!

8/5/06 3:20 PM  
Blogger George said...

Welcome Matt!

I had similar feelings when I started my blog but seriously, it is the best thing I have done for myself in a long time. I have so many wonderful friends in the OC. It is sweet.

Congrats on Daddyhood! It rocks!

11/5/06 6:22 PM  
Blogger Shannon said...

Hi Matt,

Welcome to the OC. I just saw your blog today.

Congratulations on being a dad.

I'm one of the parents here on the OC, by the way. My son, Brendon, has Type 1.

18/5/06 6:16 PM  
Blogger Nic said...

Hi, Matt. I just found your blog. You'll love blogging. I started mine a week ago and I am so hooked. I write way too often!

I'm looking forward to hearing more about the 722. I don't know much about it, but it sounds great.

10/6/06 6:22 PM  
Blogger Erica said...

Welcome to the OC Matt :-)

congrats on becoming a dad and getting back on the D-wagon...

11/12/06 10:36 AM  
Blogger Bethanne said...

Though this is 3 years later, I know EXACTLY how you feel. Congrats on becoming a father. You're right, I guess we are all going through some of the same stuff. I have the 722, have had it for 6 years, and I love it too. Too bad for me, I only started using it to its full extent this fall. :D
Take care,

5/10/09 5:11 PM  
Blogger Panarea said...

Our firm -Panarea Software- is proud to announce the release of “The body and type 1 diabetes: A guide for kids and their families”. This is the first Iphone/Ipod Touch Application specifically designed for kids with Type 1 diabetes.

With this educational application, children with Type 1 diabetes will have fun while learning how to monitor and manage their condition. This innovative application uses content developed by diabetes experts, animated graphics, engaging audio and a number of interactive activities.

This is a FREE application.

We’d like to invite you to download “The body and type 1 diabetes: A guide for kids and their families” by clicking here

We would appreciate if you could review our application and give us feedback for future versions; as well as help us spread the word among your readers.


16/2/10 8:11 AM  

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